Mixtape guide
Throughout the years (since the end of the XX century) I have recorded a substantial amount of mixes, very different in style, mood, length and composition - pure dancefloor business to totally quiet and contemplative meditations, impromptu live captures to meticulously assembled radio-shows, and anything in-between. The following is a kind of a guide to my, erm, legacy.
Alternatively: use the picture/artwork guide on my Facebook page.
A lot of mixes are on my Soundcloud, organized in sets according to the mood or origin. My Soundcloud account is not limitless, so periodically I have to remove mixes to free some space. In that case, however, I don't totally delete the mix to preserve the info, URL and comments; instead I replace the track with a short voice message informing you that "the mix has been archived", and in the description you can find the link to the external location where it is archived - usually on Mixcloud, Mixcrate or Archive.org.
Note for the Soundcloud newbies: The absolute majority of mixes have tracklists and descriptions, which you don't see when you just play a mix in the widgets below. In order to see those, open the mix you're currently playing by clicking its title above the waveform (or there is a small cloud icon below the waveform, which says "Listen on Soundcloud" if you move your mouse over it). Or right-click the mix title in the list and choose "Open the link in a new tab/window". Also, virtually all mixes are downloadable - click the Download button above the waveform if it's present; and if it's not (sometimes there is another button there - "Also on Mixcloud") - again, open the mix page on Soundcloud and there you will definitely have Download button below the waveform.
Soundcloud actively bans mixes for copyright "violation", in which case they disappear completely, so I have to search for alternatives. A more or less complete collection of mixes (except for Om Tree & Taka sessions) is at Mixcrate.
Ambient, electroacoustic, downtempo, cross-genre and whatever makes you sit back, listen, space out and float away:
bit.ly/radio-taka (download here)
a highly hallucinogenic, deep, textured affair - true cinema for the ear. A fruit of collaborative effort both in real-time and via file-exchange between Rasolniks and Discrepant collectives. Available here:
Alternatively: use the picture/artwork guide on my Facebook page.
A lot of mixes are on my Soundcloud, organized in sets according to the mood or origin. My Soundcloud account is not limitless, so periodically I have to remove mixes to free some space. In that case, however, I don't totally delete the mix to preserve the info, URL and comments; instead I replace the track with a short voice message informing you that "the mix has been archived", and in the description you can find the link to the external location where it is archived - usually on Mixcloud, Mixcrate or Archive.org.
Note for the Soundcloud newbies: The absolute majority of mixes have tracklists and descriptions, which you don't see when you just play a mix in the widgets below. In order to see those, open the mix you're currently playing by clicking its title above the waveform (or there is a small cloud icon below the waveform, which says "Listen on Soundcloud" if you move your mouse over it). Or right-click the mix title in the list and choose "Open the link in a new tab/window". Also, virtually all mixes are downloadable - click the Download button above the waveform if it's present; and if it's not (sometimes there is another button there - "Also on Mixcloud") - again, open the mix page on Soundcloud and there you will definitely have Download button below the waveform.
Soundcloud actively bans mixes for copyright "violation", in which case they disappear completely, so I have to search for alternatives. A more or less complete collection of mixes (except for Om Tree & Taka sessions) is at Mixcrate.
Radio show Rasols (cross-genre mixes and radioshows)
Totally cross-genre mixes created for the weekly radio show Rasols (pronounced: Rah-salls) on non-commercial Radio Naba 93.1 FM (Riga, Latvia). The radio show was started in 2010, co-hosted on a rotation principle by five DJ friends from the Daba.info crew - Arno, Bombey, Contour, Marimana and myself. Eventually this collaboration lead to formation of the Rasols party brand - the common name of the regular and irregular cross-genre musical events in Riga and beyond. We used to keep the complete archive of radio shows at Official.FM, until our account has been shut down on September 2013 "due to copyright infringement".
I took an active part in Rasols events and co-hosted the show in 2010-2011. I keep the best mixes made for the show at my Soundcloud, but I also have the complete archive at Archive.org. Here, you can stream or download (even all at once, if you wish!) both show recordings (along with my voiceovers in Russian) and clean mixes (just music, no chat):
Rasols show archive @ Archive.org: Season 2010 and Season 2011
Selected Rasols (clean) mixes on my Soundcloud:
Spirit and Mind
Body and Soul
House, techno, minimal, bass, dubstep and whatever makes ya move, jump, bump'n'grind or at least tip-toe around:Om Tree Sessions
DJ sets I played at Om Tree chillout events (Mediastation, Riga) - ambient, electroacoustic, modern classical, home listening, slomo and any other beautiful, contemplative, lulling, introvert, meditative, boring (check what's appropriate) stuff.Radio Taka
I decided to record and eventually make available my mix sessions played in the coziest place in Riga: cafe Taka. As these are live, long and spontaneous mixes, with me reacting to the situation and external/internal mood, you can expect EVERYTHING here - no rules and genre boundaries at all. Here they are, no tracklists but with brief indications of moods and genres:mixcloud.com/snobo/playlists/taka-sessions
bit.ly/radio-taka (download here)
Guest mixes
- Mix for Secret Thirteen (2013)
- TEARSUPDISEDOWN: mix for Headphone Commute (2011)
- Memories of the Summer Daze: Origami Podcast No.4
- Dekalog: an anthology mix for De'fchild Productions, released on DVD with a specially created visuals by Sue-C.
- Soundtrack for the showcase of the works by students of the International Summer School of Photography (ISSP), season 2011. Watch and listen on Vimeo.
- Wolfololambo: presenting the works released in NYC deep-house label Wolf+Lamb. I made this for myself but the label liked it and selected it as a retrospective 100th episode in their podcast series.
- 2-hour mix for p45 Radio (2005-2009), a podcast series once run by my good friend dj new.com (aka Comfortnoise) from Zurich, Switzerland. After closing of p45 radio he continued with the Comfortnoise Podcasts series, where each months he keeps playing fresh dubwise beats and inviting DJs and artists, including visual ones - as from 2012 sessions are streamed in a video format. Listen and download from archive.org:
The RASOLNIKS mix series
Rasolnik (rasolnik) is the name of traditional Russian soup, the recipe of which allows endless combinations of ingredients and possibilities to experiment. Rasols, in turn, is a traditional Latvian salad, also known for numerous ingredients and high nutritional value. Rasolnik mixes are impromptu freeform cross-genre mashup sets done by members of the radio show RASOLS in various combinations (in duos or as a trio). These mixes were recorded in a highly improvised, experimental, free-flowing manner, featuring a lot of wild effects, spoken words, acapellas, rare, obscure and funny tracks played from both vinyl and laptops, often multi-layered up to four or even five tracks simultaneously. In other words, real music circus extravaganza :)The Lathe of Heaven: A soundtrack for an altered reality by Bombey, Gonzo, Snobo:
