Music for a New Beginning

Selected and mixed on the 1st of January, 2014.
Influenced by Conor Oberst and Hirokazu Koreeda.
Inspired by people, experiences and signs surrounding me on the NY eve.
Featuring some of the finest music I came across in 2013, including gems by my dear friends Orla Wren and Lee Chapman.
“And now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been” - Rainer Maria Rilke.
So, a new beginning is what you need. Alternatively, just sit back, relax, take a sip of your milk thistle tincture and space out.
Сюрприз. Первого января на совершенно свежую голову (благодаря замене шампанского на мате), полную раздумий, сама собой снизошла "Музыка для новых начинаний", заставив меня ещё глубже погрузиться в обдумывание житья. Не знаю, вознесутся ли наши начинания мощно, не свернут ли в сторону и не потеряют ли имя. Дорогу осилит идущий. А там посмотрим... А пока как-то так.
ARTIST ▪ Title ▪ Album ▪ Label
00:00:00 CLOUD BOAT ▪ You Find Me ▪ After Hours ▪ R&S | watch it live @ Trinity Churh
00:01:36 THOMAS TALLIS performed by MAGNIFICAT ▪ Te Lucis Ante Terminum ▪ Spem In Alium ▪ Linn
00:03:18 CALEB BURHANS & THE TRINITY WALL STREET CHOIR ▪ Magnificat ▪ Evensong ▪ Cantaloupe
00:07:10 NICOLAS BERNIER ▪ Aurore III ▪ Music For A Book ▪ Home Normal
00:10:34 HEDIA ▪ Waking Blind ▪ Wool ▪ Unknown Tone
00:13:04 GARETH DICKSON ▪ Harmonics ▪ Collected Recordings ▪ 12K
00:15:48 SARAH NEUFELD ▪ Forcelessness ▪ Hero Brother ▪ Constellation | watch it
00:19:11 PIANO INTERRUPTED ▪ Emoticon ▪ The Unified Field ▪ Denovali
00:22:13 ARVE HENRIKSEN ▪ Le Cimetiere Marin ▪ Places Of Worship ▪ Rune Grammofon
00:23:50 JAMES MCVINNIE ▪ Slow Twitchy Organs ▪ Cycles ▪ Bedroom Community
00:28:40 HAPPY TRENDY ▪ 08 ▪ For Trial Listening ▪ Capri
00:29:46 BIRCH AND MEADOW ▪ There Is A Lightness ▪ Butterflies And Graves ▪ Time Released Sound
00:31:22 BRANDON HURTADO ▪ Cedar ▪ Disappear ▪ Capri
00:34:00 ORLA WREN ▪ Four Feathers Few ▪ Book Of Folded Forest ▪ Home Normal | watch the incredible video
00:39:09 WIXEL ▪ Five Chord Waltz ▪ Revox Tapes ▪ Jordskred
00:42:44 LEE CHAPMAN ▪ Despite The Cold ▪ From November To March ▪ Unknown Tone
00:47:08 ALEX KOZOBOLIS ▪ Despite The Cold ▪ From November To March ▪ Unknown Tone
00:48:57 F.S. BLUMM & NILS FRAHM ▪ Old Friends Inst. ▪ Music For Wobbling Music Versus Gravity ▪ Sonic Pieces
00:51:36 CHANTAL ACDA ▪ We Will, We Must ▪ Let Your Hands Be My Guide ▪ Gizeh | watch Arms Up High w/Peter Broderick
00:54:35 CONOR OBERST ▪ Milk Thistle ▪ Conor Oberst ▪ Wichita
01:00:03 WIXEL ▪ Melancholische Waltz ▪ Revox Tapes ▪ Jordskred