Видеотека для Arterritory.com - выпуск №2

Второй выпуск моей Видеотеки для блога Arterritory.com. Звёзды выпуска: Jenny Hval, Orla Wren, Kwala, King Krule, CocoRosie.
I contribute for Arterritory.com, an art and culture blog in Latvian, Russian, and English, which focuses on Baltic, Scandinavian, and Russian art and its manifestations elsewhere in the world, where I write a monthly column titled "Videotheque". There I select the most interesting music of today that I can find in a visual format - preferably not just simple music videos, but live or studio performances, specially made films, in other words something really special both sonically and visually. The column is in Russian, but as an experiment I have translated issue #2 to English. This issue features Jenny Hval (pictured above), Orla Wren, Kwala, King Krule and CocoRosie.
In English: http://bit.ly/snobo-videotheque
Latviešu valodā: http://ej.uz/videoteka2-lv